Friday, February 4, 2011

Poster Roughs

Here are my roughs for the poster. My client really wants to hang them up around middle and high schools to get children and young adults aware of PARS, especially if they are athletes. I wanted them to have similar colors to the American Bone Health's secondary colors to tie in. There are some with a dotted line in them, which is American Bone Health's way of tying into their research organization (FORE).



  1. Out of all the roughs that you have uploaded I like the 9th one the best.

    I like the photographic quality of the x-ray as well as how your incorporated the logo image.

    I also think that it would help you to find a color system and stick with it. So you will have a better idea of the message you want to get across.

    The second one that I like is the poster with the testimonial. I think that that is a good direction to go in and will get your audience to take notice.

    However I think your composition needs work and you need to address the hierarchy of type and what you want to be seen first.I also think that your font size is to big.

  2. I like the sixth one the most because of its arrangement and concept. I think it would be cool to see it in a variety of different colors.

  3. 9, 6, and 5 look to be the strongest. I'd like to see personally drawn images for the posters like in 5 (not many people do that anymore). 9 and 6 are one of those "educates and entertains" type posters, so it has that one going for it.

    The more type heavy ones need a little more work I think, maybe a little more contrast.

  4. I love the ninth one, with the outline of the Scottie dog. It has the best use of space and color. I also like how you included a rough with a real person with a PARS fracture.

  5. the x-ray one is really nice. I think you could take that idea lots of places. Playing with the x-ray in photoshop could create interesting backgrounds. I like the scotty-dog being large with smaller type. I also like how you include some information about what PARS awareness is. cool beans.

  6. I feel like the 9th one is the best as far as educating the viewer. I might go back and look at different colors though because i feel like the pink is to dominate.

  7. #5 works in appealing to younger kids, but also people who are concerned about issues involving children.

    #6 works for a middle to high school crowd.

    I agree that #9 works the best as far as information, color, image and message.

  8. My favorite idea is the x-ray poster, but with a better image. You give off more drama with a nice x-ray pic.

    I also like the shape of the repeating rectangles in #2. It could relate broken bones in a way. Keep playing with that idea.

  9. Hey allison,
    I like the 6th one by far. I think its because it doesn't have as much text, and when I think of a poster, I don't think of a lot of text. That one is very simple and straight to the point. You look at it, and it makes you want to get more information, plus, I wanted to sit there and look at the different images and see if I could figure it out on my own.

  10. #2, 4, and 9 convey the problem: fracture. The arrangement of the photos in #2 alludes to misalignment -- a graphical way of expressing a problem. The others are more literal.
